How To Survive A Filling At The Dentist When You Have Trigeminal Neuralgia

On Monday, I went to the dentist to get a filling done that I’d been putting off for about a year.. I know, I know, you don’t need to tell me I shouldn’t have avoided going for so long!

My main problem with going to the dentist is that the biggest trigger for my TN is pretty much anything to do with my mouth, so that includes eating, touching my face, sometimes even speaking and – the second problem here – brushing my teeth. You might notice the vicious cycle here: I can’t brush my teeth as well as I’d like and I don’t want to visit the dentist in case that hurts as well.

About a year ago, I saw my dentist (now ex-dentist, I will explain shortly!) and he said I might need a little filling doing on one of my bottom, almost-back teeth on the non-neuralgia side. I asked if it was really necessary, as I was sure all the drilling and vibrating was going to set my pain off anyway, so he said we could just leave it and deal with it later. Later, as it turns out, turned into almost a year for me and when I eventually got back in touch with the dental practice, I found out that my dentist had quit. Fantastic.

I had to book in with a new dentist at the practice, have an initial check up and then I went back a few weeks later, on Monday, for the filling and it was a horrible experience, mostly down to my own nerves. I was physically shaking. I’m sure anyone with TN can feel me here – that absolute dread of an ‘attack’ can knock you sick. I dragged myself into his consultation room and, knowing how nervous I was, he just very quickly came at me with the needle for the anesthetic – I didn’t know what was happening until I was being injected! He definitely got the worst out of the way as quickly as he could, without me waiting around in anticipation. I am so grateful!

Unfortunately, it turned out that I needed two fillings right next to each other and it really hurt afterwards. The dental treatment did set off my pain, but at least I had the fillings done and I’m sure I’m much better for it, rather than losing some teeth further down the line. I’ve spent the last couple of days recovering and eating soft foods.

I’m not going to lie to you – it did trigger my pain. The dental nurse leaned quite hard on my mouth on my TN side when she was using the suction machine and there was a lot of pulling at my face, even though the dentist was trying to be gentle. The drill vibrated my entire face. It wasn’t at nice experience, but it needed doing. As much as I was in agony the evening and night of the appointment, I would do it again.. because I might have to!

Visiting the dentist doesn’t have to be a traumatic experience. You just have to tackle it like just another medical appointment.

Here are my top tips for a dentist trip when you have trigeminal neuralgia..

Tell the dentist you are nervous. Your neuralgia is nothing to be ashamed of and your dentist does need to be aware of what triggers your pain. Tell them what bothers you so they can help you work about round it. Show your dentist where especially hurts on your face, let them know which areas are ‘bad’ zones for you and go from there.

Forget the stigma. I use to get quite upset about my dental hygiene – I didn’t like feeling ‘dirty’ if I couldn’t brush my teeth properly and I didn’t want my dentist to think I was just avoiding brushing my teeth because I couldn’t be bothered or didn’t want to. I was embarrassed! But a dentist was the first person to diagnose me with my condition and, personally, I believe trigeminal neuralgia is best understood by dentists. It’s a condition that loads of people commonly first think is toothache! A dentist will not judge if you find it difficult to brush your teeth.. and, if they do, I’m happy to help you find a new dentist!

Take a painkiller before and/or after. This might sound like an obvious one, but prepare to be in pain, because it might happen! I personally took a painkiller about an hour before the filling and then again right after. When I have a check up, I would just probably take a painkiller before and not bother with one afterwards. Please consult your GP to discuss this one further.

Take someone from your support system, just in case. I thought I could do it on my own and ended up calling my mum to pick me up afterwards, because I couldn’t face the small talk with the taxi driver. I should have taken her with me anyway to save the waiting around.

Smile when it’s over! Once the dental work has been done, show off those pearly whites! You made it out in one piece, even if you’re not feeling too great afterwards. Every achievement, no matter how small, is worth celebrating, so whether it was a check up, or a surgery, take a bow!

Do you have any tips for visiting the dentist? ♡

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Trigeminal Neuralgia

3 Comments Leave a comment

  1. I’m glad you got through it! I avoided going to the dentist for the longest time, even though my Dr. insisted I needed to rule out any possible dental causes for my facial pain. I was sure it was TN (and an MRI has basically confirmed this) and didn’t want the pain.

    My only tip I might add for anyone here is that I posted in one of the larger TN Facebook groups that I wanted a dentist familiar with TN in my area and got two recommendations for dentists who treated others in the group with TN and were very sympathetic. The one I went with turned out to be excellent and the dental hygienist even researched TN to get ready for me, asked me lots of questions, and was incredibly accommodating. Both were young women who’d been through their training relatively recently and I think that might make a difference. They did everything to my non-TN side first so I’d be ready for the sensations.

    I’ve had two appointments and no attacks were triggered directly, though unfortunately on the second appointment I got a canker sore from her poking around in the back of my mouth (normal for me) and that, several days later, turned into an attack.

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  2. eventually I need a crown on my TN side..My dentist and I have talked about it and she wants to put it off until she feels there is absolutely a need. She tells me that she will need to inject directly into the trigeminal nerve to numb the tooth..has anyone had work done on the TN side..I just spent 3 weeks inpatient at a major medical facility because they couldn’t stop the pain until they gave me a ketamine drip..I am so afraid to have to go through that again…12 years with TN and I am scared to death of dental work having to be done on the left side.

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